Friday, June 1, 2007


I recently joined a yahoo group for people making 100 Good Wishes Quilts. It is a good place to swap fabric and wishes, share ideas about quilting, and get tips on putting together the scrapbook album for the wishes. Several of the members of this group have created websites to document their quilts. I had such fun looking through their fabric and wishes that I decided to create a website for William's quilt. For now, I will post pictures of the fabric and wishes that we receive. Later on, I will post updates on the progress of the quilt.

Here are some examples of 100 Good Wishes Quilts:

You don't have to be an adoptive parent to make a 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It turns out that people are making them for the birth of a child, birthday gift, Christmas gift, to help with the loss of a loved one, etc. If you are interested in joining the OHGWQ yahoo group, go to:

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